Lee’s Journey: Rediscovering Independence After a Brain Injury

Lee’s Journey: Rediscovering Independence After a Brain Injury

Lee was born with AVM (arteriovenous malformation), a condition where blood vessels form an abnormal tangle, which can sometimes lead to bleeding in the brain. In May 2020, Lee experienced a major brain bleed that resulted in weakness on his right side, leaving him unable to use his right arm and leg.

He spent four months at the Sid Watkins Brain Injury Rehab Unit in the Walton Centre, followed by 16 months at Oak Vale Gardens, where he worked hard on his recovery. By the time he was discharged, he had made significant progress, but the journey wasn’t over yet. Lee had to give up his job as a carer, something he loved, and move back home with his parents. Adjusting to the loss of his independence was difficult for him, but he never gave up hope.

A New Beginning with Burscough Neuro Physio

In September 2021, Lee’s sister came across Burscough Neuro Physio online and thought it might be just what Lee needed to continue making progress. His goals were clear: to improve his memory, regain some of his independence, and ultimately, to walk again.

With the support of his physiotherapists, Raquel and Shelley, who each visit him once a week, Lee has made impressive strides. He can now take several steps with the help of a stick and the support of his physio. More importantly, Lee can get in and out of a car, which has made a huge difference to his quality of life, allowing him to spend more time out and about with his family.

Rediscovering Passion Through Art

Throughout his journey, Lee has rediscovered his passion for art. Always a talented artist, he has recently taken up painting again, using it as both a creative outlet and a form of therapy.

Lee continues to work hard towards his ultimate goal of walking independently. We are proud to support him every step of the way, and his determination is an inspiration to everyone who meets him.
